With the support of Westmeath Community Development under the Rural Development Programme and the Anatole Project, a collection of like minded food producers along with a project co-ordinator have been working since early 2010 with the intention of establishing a food network for Westmeath – and here we are..!!
As everyone will appreciate in the current climate most businesses including food producers are struggling to survive so this initiative has developed to provide an opportunity for the food industry in Westmeath to come together and develop the food sector in the county.
Currently the network has a core element of approximately food producers and growers with an outer ring of associated members of local food supporters such as caterers, restaurants, coffee shops and deli’s that share the groups ethos of traceable, top quality local food availability for consumers. Find out more about the Westmeath Food Network Members »
Our ethos is to encourage the local food sector, food entrepreneurs, support of locally produced food and sourced ingredients and thus aid the sustainability of the local economy.
We are an ambitious group and hope to raise enough funds for the network to develop our local food road show and generate a promotional material to promote all things food in Westmeath. These aspirations will benefit not only the food sector in Westmeath but also the wider community in the form of information exchange, education and specialised projects with consumers, communities and schools.
New Members
The network are presently looking for new members from all around the county so for more information on the network, please phone 087-8125402.